What are teachers really saying about the coronavirus and digital learning? Today, I decided to do something fun so, I looked back at all the emails I got from school since digital learning started and took some lines from those emails to turn it into a poem.
Just in case we have to close school for a week or two
I want to make sure everyone is on the same page
What an unprecedented time we are currently experiencing as a community
Thank you again for your patience and understanding
I’m still waiting for guidance on certain things
A couple of things you need to know
Wash your hands often with soap and water
Please be sure to practice social distancing
Tomorrow will be our first day of flexible learning
Procedures and guidelines
Use Times New Roman font
Progress reports
Please submit your work by 3 PM each day
Your first assignment-WWII
Please use Times New Roman font
Hi folks,
Today you are responsible for completing your big ideas math assignment
Please do your best to submit your work
Clean chromebooks and laptops
Just a brief reminder you have until 3 PM to turn in your work
Would you like to purchase a freshman funk spirit night t-shirt?
Read through the document assignment Submit your answers on google classroom
Just finished reading your first assignments
I am a bit cranky
Please, please submit all assignments for google classroom in google
This means I’m less cranky
Just a quick reminder that your assignments for Hitler for AP are due
All classes are working on primary source documents today
P.S. if you did this assignment on Monday or Tuesday you will be marked present
To clarify…Friday is a REMOTE instructional day
Don’t come to school
Please use TNR font for everything!!!!
Happy first day of spring
Zoom party at 4:00
Feel free to rant
Take care, stay safe
Just checking in
Party’s over
Disregard today’s student attendance
Thanks for filling out the official attendance
I know you are PSYCHED to be back in school from spring break!