I never thought I would have to face a pandemic in my life. Even now, it still shocks me to think that there’s an actual pandemic going on right now.
I guess this is something we all see in sci-fi and dystopian movies-huge viruses wiping out the human population. Or maybe it feels like one of the big outbreaks we’ve all learned about in history class like the bubonic plague. So, sometimes this all feels hard to believe. Like it’s all a fantasy.
I think the earth is trying to slow overpopulation, that it’s the earth’s way to heal itself from the damage that humans are doing to it like pollution and climate change. But, no matter what you believe, this is not a fantasy. COVID-19 is very real and that’s the reason why I’m sitting here at home, when I would normally be stuck in gym class in school. A lot of schools have done distance learning all digitally on computers and honestly, it’s been a crazy and interesting time.
With sanitizing our groceries before we enter the house or watching people go shopping with masks on or even staring at the HUGE lines in front of Costco, it all feels kind of weird.
Obviously, we can’t go outside now so it’s been boring being cooped up in here. School only takes around half the day to do so I’m usually left wondering what I’m supposed to do with my free time.
Digital learning has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. I remember when I was sitting on the bleachers in the gym during a study hall period when my phone rang with a text message from my friend saying: check your email.
So, I did and after scrolling through five pages of text, I found out our schools would be closed because of coronavirus. I was admittedly, kind of excited first and quickly that changed to a sense of confusion.
How would we even do science digitally? Or gym? Or even-any subject for that matter.
The first day of digital learning was confusing. Every teacher was doing things differently and due dates were crammed. It was hard to keep track of things but I slowly got the hang of it.
We’re all hard at work now. Whether it be all the teachers, trying to keep us students engaged and learning, our parents who brave the grocery stores to stockpile on cans and nonperishables (I still don’t understand why people are stockpiling up on toilet paper). Whether it’s the doctors and nurses trying to help patients with COVID or whether it be the researchers trying to find a cure, we all need to stick together and make it through this challenging time.
So, what are people doing to keep in touch and stay sane while quarantined or while stay-at-home orders are in place?
I’ve kept myself sane by writing and reading and I’ve kept in touch with all my friends through facetime, google hangouts and zoom.
Me and my mom tried to learn that Tik Tok dance to blinding lights (even though we SUCK at dancing and I have no clue what Tik Tok is) and we’ve opened up a thousand piece puzzle that we’ve never in ten years finished (maybe we’ll actually finish it this time, who knows).
I’ve seen people try to pose like famous paintings and have seen other hilarious ways that people are managing to have fun during a time like this.
Yeah it’s confusing and probably a hard time for everyone but somehow, we’re still learning, still having fun, still being creative, still connecting, still laughing. So, chill, we’ll get through this and on the upside: no school.
(That means no more waking up at five thirty!!!!!!!!! One of the best parts about no school)
But, before I drive myself insane by boredom, what fun things are you guys doing to keep yourselves occupied at home?