We are living in a crazy time
With this new novel coronavirus
Yes, this virus is dividing us
Yet we still unite
This world may seem dark
But there is light
To all of our healthcare workers
Who fight
Who risk their lives
Working without proper PPE
Who help save people’s lives
Who selflessly and tirelessly work through the night
To all of our grocery workers
Who go outside every day
Exposed to the virus
And yet they stay
Providing us with supplies
Through these confusing times
To all of our delivery people
Who expose themselves for us to get our packages
Who still show up on our doorsteps
With gloved but helping hands
Still keeping us connected
To all those families
Helping neighbours
Creating care packages
And helping strangers
To all those on the frontlines
Battling this virus
Getting us through this fight
Despite the risks
To propel us out of this situation
A thousand thank yous will never be enough
It’s because of YOU that we will beat this virus
It is because of YOU countless lives have been saved
It is because of YOU that we WILL get through this
For those of you out there:
You’re amazing, incredible, selfless, brave people
You really truly are
To all of our doctors and nurses, to all of our delivery people and cashiers, to all of the people working on the frontlines to battle this virus,
To all of you:
Thank you
Thank you for lending us your hands
Thank you for fighting for us despite the risks
Thank you for saving
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for keeping us connected
Thank you for being there for us
Thank you for bringing us love
Thank you for helping
You’re amazing
You’re strong
You are our heroes
So, once again:
Thank you so much
(Please share with others who work on the frontlines)